Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Zone Flow 5 am One Hour Walk Outside Distance Speed Positive




Mental is Physical
Brain is Physical, Chemical
Brain processes are Electrical and Chemical processes

Chemical / Electrical
Electrical / Chemical

Chemical Engineering
Chemical Computer
Chemical Computing
ElectroChemical Computer
Chemical Electrical Computer

Look at the Brain
as a Physical Chemical

Activation Energy

Flow / The Zone
Ok, we know it exists
and we can reach it

How do we get to the Zone
and stay in Flow

October 3, 2018
I think I found it

Question :
How do you get in Flow / The Zone
and stay in Flow ?

What is the recipe technique

First recognize that Mind
is connected to the Brain.
The Brain is Material Physical
Chemical Computing
Chemical Engineering
ElectroChemical Engineering Computing

Activation Energy

Who are you ?
Chemical Engineer

Flow / The Zone
Do it
Reproduce it

5 am morning   October 3

5 am Alarm ~ No Snooze, Go straight for the Walk
Do Not wait for the right Feeling
Think one thing - Get out and walk

Walk outside, Nature
Walk to school, Distance, Landmark
60 minutes

You walked in college

Neti Pot
Wash face
Eyes, Nose, Teeth

Speed is the easiest and best variable to control
Speed is the volume dial

Speed, Intensity

Challenge, complexity

Active is better, than Passive
Passive is Buddhism

Buddha has a religion - He is just one man

Active, Active,

You have to go for one hour

Keep pushing
Pushing, nudging
Push to next milestone
Keep stretching

If you feel pain, go faster

60 minutes
one hour

Activation Energy

You need Motion
Buddha was wrong, he just sits there
SEALS - Motion

Sharks keep moving

Why one hour ?
One hour is the Activation Curve requirement

Flow / Zone
No pain
Mind clear, Mind expands
Senses  become hyper sharp

Think positive

This is the cure for Anxiety and Depression

And Positive Thought

Positive, Production

Why first thing in the morning ?
It's like Food
It has to be done
otherwise your whole day is a waste

Think Goals

Why write down Goals
If you had employees, you would write down daily goals

Later in the day
when you brain gets tired
you need to Goals to keep you on the road

Orange Juice
Fish Oil 6
Algae 2

Why so early
The whole world is yours
Get up one hour before every body else
Finish before the rest of the world gets up
Strategic advantage
Treat every day like a game

Multiple Positive Inputs

Classical Music

Sensory, touch
comfortable bed close


Read ALoud = Physical
Reading ALoud Out Loud = Physical like Walking

5 am is the important time
Timing is important

iPhone 5 for car and walking

Switch ~ Switching is a skill

Multi Taskin is Possible
MBA + MBA 4Q proved it

Passive Learning / Programming
Sound, Vision, Touch

Fan Breeze

Do Not depend in External Environment

Control your External Environment

Control your response to the External Environment


Maximum Learning

Maximum Productivity

Jesus MD
Jesus, the Good Doctor
I'm tired of the secular / new age pseudo-spirituality

Schwartz / Flow guy - Godless philosophy breaks down
ultimately no meaning, no authority, no reason
beyond it feels good
it's earthly outcomes based
Schwartz contradicts himself
you can't trust your brain
so how can you trust your Wise Advocate which is from your brain

if God did Not exist
then God would have to be fabricated
to explain and justify the world we want to live in

therefore, based on the Atheist, ends justifies the means
then we would have to create a God that created us

Ultimate meaning, ultimate reason(s), ultimate authority

look at the ridiculous hypothesis that are out there
The Matrix

ultimate past iterations

Protestants - like children trying to figure everything out on their own, without looking at the past

ok, rebel against Roman Catholic
but don't rebel against God

oppositional to everything Catholic

Catholic argument for being the original true church is nonsense
so they lack authority to convert protestants

Protestants have to yell and assert
because they lack foundation


Audio Books 24x7

Walk 2 hours outside
Morning, very early morning
Glucose blood levels

push to subconscious

Can we make Listening be pushed to subconscious

Parallel processing
using multiple areas of the brain


Empty Brain can be Dangerous
Think Positive
Be Productive, Work
Listen to Positive Productive

Walking ~ pushing into the Brain Background
AudioBook ~ push into the Brain Background

When you Read Aloud
or Read a Book,
Audio book may interfere,
maybe better to listen to Mozart ( No words )

What is my job right now ?


I think we can Multi Task
Use Muscle Memory

Use Muscle Memory to create
Software Packages
Then Activate them

Push it to the Subconscious
Use the Subconscious
Use the Passive routes

There are limits
some activities conflict

But Listening to Music Audio
And doing other things is the main example

Listening to Mozart
Plus, positive environmental factors - outdoors, nice weather, blue sky, breeze, nice smell, touch

Yes !
Take advantage of the different parts of the Brain

And be able to Switch

The Zone / Flow
Whole Brain Activation


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