Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Flow ~ More stuff ~ Read Aloud Record, Morning Routine October 5, 2018


October 5, 2018

Brain - loss of control
Coffee - too much coffee
Maintain Sugar
Shower 1-2 times a day
clear table
sleep depraviation


You need to write to consolidate.
Take advantage of passive learning and mental work.
Better to type into your own blog


My Project
increase personal productivity
Experiment on yourself
Go beyond Q4 MD/MBA
Expand capabilities


Subconscious programs = sc programs
create more subconscious / reflex /
auxillary brain regions
improve perfect the sc programs
expand the capabilities
increase the portfolio of SC programs


Increase typing speed
and typing autonomy
parallel processiong
remember Philip Chang typing


Flow Zone
this is your goal
The primary goal is production
The primary means is Flow / Zone


Reading Aloud out loud
is similar to walking
you need to get into the Zone
you can get into the Zone Flow

But you need to protect preserve your Voice

Just like you need to
protect your body


Legal / Computer Coding

100% informational
1 / 0
Ones and Zeros

This is a challenge.
How do you learn stuff that is not interesting.
Like a phone book.

The information may be boring.
But using the information
and the goals you can achieve
are exciting.
The key is make it into a flow activity.

And I think I figured it out

Coding Compliance Medical
= Computer Coding
= Law

My areas of interest are now
all about 1s and 0s

If I want to advance and succeed
I need to develop a technique
that will help me Master the 1/0 subjects

it can be done
other people do it

the key is develop a flow program


Auditor Book

2+ pages at a time
Read Aloud Fast
Record with iPhone
announce the pages
keep track of pages
Record it

Play back at 1.5 speed
and read along with your mind.
This is a second iteration.
This rests your physical voice.
This also makes Step 1 more meaningful.

My goal is at least one chapter a day.
Repeat the Book 3+ times.
Look forward to enjoying the current process
and future iteration.
You can be the World's #1 expert.
Make it enjoyable.
Get into flow.

Also, Discover new capabilities of the brain.
Develop new techniques for Dean and Zach and a future book.

You future is writing BOOKs.
Self help books.
Books that help your consulting business.
Demonstrate Expertise.

Make this into training like Creed 2
and Bruce Lee.

Since it is a flow activity.
You can do this to wake up.

This becomes less of a will power issue.
Yes, there is inertia.
But you just need to activate the flow program.
And let it run.
It becomes addictive.
You want to return to flow state.
Transform it into flow activities.

Auditor Coding
Self Help
Productivity Health
Sports Greek NBA Dallas Mavericks guy

No coffee today
in the future just a little in the morning

if you  find that a high priority goals is being discounted, the push it first


Morning Routine

5 am
Read Aloud Record Auditor Book
You can playback later in the day
30 minutes
Maybe longer

Carbs and fish oil

5:30 am - 6:30 am
one hour
walk outside and listen to audio book

come back home and take pee
eat some Carbs


7 am - 8:30 am
drive out to Trump
Read Aloud
Medicare 95 and 97

Trump for

When reading and walking
you need a light book
or you need print outs

avoid traffic and people

eat some carbs

come back and shower
after you shower, clean bathroom



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