Friday, June 8, 2018

Light Bulb / Book / Brain Lock

Identify acknowledge note
Negative behavior, action, thought, mood, etc

for example, depression, anxiety, worry, doubt, laziness, anger, slowness, fear, vice

make a list
write down all the negative stuff in your life

Verbalize it, call it out
in your mind, say it, write it
saying it best

For example,
Satan, Depression, Anxiety

Jesus vs Satan  Matthew / Luke 4

Once you have Identified it, and Verbalized it,
called it out ~
Take corrective action asap

Use the Negative as a Trigger
Calling it out ~ Trigger
Shift Gears

Shift Gears

Take one Deep Breath
then do a session of controlled deep breathing
this is free, always available, and can be done anywhere

Power Pose

Positive / Productive
Our Father
Sing a song
Power Pose
Take a walk
Do something else, anything else that is non-negative
watch a funny movie
listen to happy music
read the Bible

Neutral is OK

competitive neuroplasticity

take advantage of the limitations of the brain
and neuroplasiticity

also the brain cannot do two things at the same time
in general

if you are a multi-tasker
it is hard to do two things at one time

maybe two conscious things at one time

anyway suppress the negative

some Negative stuff may be productive
for example, fear in the face of a charging bull

regret at a lost
makes you analyze, learn, and valuation

BUT prolonged Negative is Counter productive
and can be damaging because of negative neuroplasticity

extract the positive
and move on ASAP

learn from losses / negative
what can we learn
what are the lessons
analyze it
extract the lesson
do a valuation
remember the lessons
incorporate it into your process
then move on

Extract the positive from the negative
then move on

outside - in
inside - out
active and passive

facial feedback

Brain Lock


Book Idea

Summarize all the Science
for Success
Success science
do a literature review for the general public
and for yourself

Tier it

Top Tier
Simple, Practical, Understandable

Put the Key Point first

then support it

Section by section

this will be easy to write

3 Degrees
MD / ChemE / MBA

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